What is Split?

Split is referral marketing tool based on on-chain event tracking system.

Reward users who contribute substantially to the growth of your product with Split.

  • Automated Performance-based Rewards: Unlock new customer acquisition and enhance key relationships.

  • Simple SDK Integration, Intuitive UI/UX dashboard: Effortless and insightful marketing tool.

How it works?

  1. Partner: A business that uses Split to handle.

  2. Referrer: Customers who supports the business by creating a link to share with others.

  3. Invitee: Customers who starts using the business's services by clicking on the link shared by the referrer.

Why Split?

For the Community:

  • Get a clear picture of your marketing perfomance.

  • Find niche influencers who align well with your business using our leaderboard.

Focus on Building, Hassle on Us:

  • (Almost) code-free — requires only one line of code in your web application.

  • Run multiple campaigns and start A/B testing on-chain.

Last updated